Children’s Yoga
Children’s yoga, like adult yoga, provides spiritual, mental and physical benefits to the person; It is a type of yoga that teaches personal discipline, breathing and relaxation techniques. Yoga postures are taught to students by combining them with songs and games.
Mandala is a type of meditation that has been around for centuries. Mandala is a journey of discovery consisting of personal creativity, advanced awareness and spiritual development processes. Mandala consists of circles starting from the center and growing outward. Our students can create their own mandalas by using colors and shapes freely, or they can also color the drawn mandalas. Our mandala studies increase our children’s concentration, self-confidence and patience, clear their minds, enrich their imagination and significantly improve their creativity.
Mindfulness is a state of awareness that occurs when a person pays attention to the present moment without judgment. Our students learn to stabilize, focus and pay attention through mindfulness training. They get rid of their judgments about what they think, feel and experience and get closer to their inner world. They learn to carefully incorporate difficult thoughts and feelings into their lives without suppressing them or getting carried away by them. They learn to be kind to themselves and others. Observation and concentration, body and five sense awareness, patience, trusting and letting go, feeling feelings and letting them happen, getting used to dealing with thoughts, compassion for oneself and others are the subjects that form the basis of mindfulness training. Education; It is supported by breathing exercises, meditation, stories and movements.
Awareness and Attention Training for Children, MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Method), developed by therapist Eline Snel and included in the education curriculum of developed countries, is implemented in our school curriculum.
Privacy Education
“Privacy Training” is also included in the content of our Yoga – Mandala and Mindfulness studies. The aim is to raise the awareness of our students to protect their physical integrity.